Smudge Essentials - White Sage, Palo Santo, Selenite

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Our Smudge Essentials set consists of all our favorite tools to keep our self & home clear of negative energies.

☽ BENEFITS ☾   cleanse | purify | protect

The Palo Santo tree belongs to the same family (Burseraceae) as frankincense and myrrh.  The wood, also known as "holy wood", contains aromatic resin that is used to clear, purify, protect and bless one's sacred space just as white sage is used in North America.   Our Palo Santo is hand-harvested from trees that have died naturally in the forest.  Each tree lives for around 40 years.  Once dead, the tree is then left alone to dry for another 10 years before being gathered and processed into the stick, incense, and distilled for essential oil.  Palo Santo's sweet and intoxicating smoke can be used to clear, purify, protect, and bless a sacred space.  Light the end of the wood piece and allow it to burn for a few seconds.   Blow out the flame and move about the room or home visualizing the sacred smoke clearing negative energies, uplifting your spirit, and bringing in positive energy.  To extinguish, allow it to burn out in a heatproof bowl or shell. {2nd Element, Earth} 3"

Selenite can be kept in your pocket for easy access when feeling overwhelmed or to help remove unwanted energies.  It can also clear energies from stones and your sacred space. {1st Element, Water} 3"

White Sage has been traditionally used to clear, cleanse, and purify energy.  Open a window. Light the end of the bundle allowing it to catch fire. Blow the flame out and fan the smoke with a feather or wave your hand back and forth to keep the bundle smoking. Use the shell to catch ash as you waft the sacred smoke, directing it over yourself, someone else or in a room.  To extinguish, allow it to burn out in the shell. {2nd Element, Earth} 4-5"

The 3rd Element, Fire, is represented when you light an earth element.  The 4th Element, Air, is the smoke releasing from the fire.